You can find fantastic Chinese restaurants in Leeds without having to search far. From traditional British-style Chinese dishes like sweet and sour or black bean to more daring, real food that will introduce you to flavours and combinations you typically only see in Chinese households, there is something for everyone. Therefore, this is the best Chinese food in Leeds, regardless of your preference for buffets, prawn toast, or fiery Sichuan. Get your friends together and begin going through the list right away.

Chinese Restaurant 29 East Parade
Tattu Leeds is an evolution of our original concept. The design is visually inspired by the progression of body art, namely the delicate line work and the detailed techniques used today, reflected in the use of the beautiful natural materials and intricate finishes that surround you.

Crown Hotpot
Chinese Restaurant Back Blenheim Terrace
At Crown Hotpot, we bring the authentic flavors of Chinese cuisine to Leeds. Our menu features a variety of delicious dishes, including our signature hot pot which is sure to tantalize your taste buds. We strive to provide our customers with a unique and memorable dining experience.